2016 Season

3rd Annual Contemporary Performance Diasporas Festival

May 6-8 2016

This cross-cultural, interdisciplinary festival is a natural outgrowth of Inferno’s mission to link cultures and explore human relationships in space and time.

The works presented in this year’s Contemporary Performance Diasporas Festival focus on live ensemble and solo performances, dance, music, performance art, and film. Many of these works are still being developed and are being presented for the first time.


Rachel LePell
Giulio Cesare Perrone
Wei-Shan Lai
Benoît Monin
David James Silpa
Brittany Sims
Tenya Spillman
Baela Tinsley
Vicki Victoria
Robert Estes
Hal Hughes
Fiona Melia
Stan Spenger
Matthew Surrence
Earl Alfred Paus
Sophia Craven
Sharmon J. Hilfinger
Rachel Davidman
Robin Fletcher
Valden Kamph
Dwayne Scheuneman
Kiplinn Sagmiller
Yuko Monden
Courtney Russell

Nico Formelejo
Michael Morris
Brandon Llovett
Steven Baker
Rosemarie Vasquez
Daniella Chavez
Curtis Manning
Juan Flores
Cory Ng
David James Silpa
Anna Muselmann
Jenny McAllister
Lydia Raag
Back à Dos Theater Company
Robert Fields
Jamie Greenblatt
Ann Sietz
Conmigo Connect/
Raul Beguiristain
Susan Marchionna
Wei-Shan Lai & Dancers
David James Silpa
Darryl Jones
CB Smith-Dahl
Andrej Diamantstein

Quantum Desire - by Giulio Cesare Perrone

May 27-June 5, 2016


Desire: a thought at the edge of memory between the pull of gravity and accelerating neurons. Desire begins in our bodies and ripples out into space. Rapture consumes lovers at first sight, entangling relationships. Couples linger, trading perspectives in contested new territories of science and quantum theory.

Giulio Cesare Perrone
Bruno Louchouarn
Wei-Shan Lai
Vicki Victoria
the Ensemble
Wei-Shan Lai
Benoît Monin
David James Silpa
Brittany Sims
Tenya Spillman
Baela Tinsley
Vicki Victoria

Playwright, Director, Designer
Composer and Sound Designer
Graphic Design/Photography
Additional Music/Movement by
Performing Artists

William Shakespeare’s
The Tempest

July 23-24 | July 30-31 | August 6-7, 2016

This production investigates the destiny of theatre as it pushes theatricality to the limits, inviting the audience to abandon themselves to the magic of the island and its inhabitants. The world of this imaginary island will be created on stage through movement, music, and Shakespeare’s own elastic words and imagery.

Adapter, Director, Designer
Assistant Direction and Stage Management
Performing Artists

Giulio Cesare Perrone

Angela Ciandro
Julia Robertson
Simone Bloch
Thomas Busk
Angela Ciandro
Valentina Emeri
Trevor Guyton
Karina McLoughlin
Fiona Melia
Benoît Monin
Michael Needham
Jack Nicolaus
David James Silpa
Tenya Spillman
Emily Stone
Vicki Victoria
Ian Wilcox

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